Toilets for all

Modular toilets ready to instal wherever you want!!

Watsan envirotech- project-WATER FOR ALL - selected as one of the semi-finalists in DBS-NUS Social Asia Challenge!


Modular toilets- Made of green energy-sunlight and 3M- men, moulds and materials!

  • Modular toilet model
  • India's hottest Young Entrepreneurs - 2013
  • Hottest Young entrepreneurs

TiE con-2012-Introducing the company

Blog posts : "Sanitation, Health, Environment"

Modular toilets ready to fit!!!

Manufacture Toilets, not construct!

As shown in a recently held National seminar for toilets, 70 crores  of Indian citizens defecate in open air!!!

If we consider that a family of 4 need a toilet, providing at least ONE PERCENT of that volume into reality, we should target making 70 lakh toile…

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