Toilets for all

Modular toilets ready to instal wherever you want!!

Modular toilets- Made of green energy-sunlight and 3M- men, moulds and materials!

  • Modular toilet model
  • India's hottest Young Entrepreneurs - 2013
  • Hottest Young entrepreneurs

Chandrasekaran. J our CEO, is one of the Hottest Young entrepreneur - Business World


Why we need modular toilets

Modular toilets ready to fit!!!

Manufacture Toilets, not construct!

As shown in a recently held National seminar for toilets, 70 crores  of Indian citizens defecate in open air!!!

If we consider that a family of 4 need a toilet, providing at least ONE PERCENT of that volume into reality, we should target making 70 lakh toilets immediately to cater the sanitation needs of our country !

By conventional brick & mortar technique, with manual masonry can we really achieve even that ONE PERCENT of the needed toilets?

Instead of focusing on methodology and man power which would not make us go anywhere close to our target, we considered manufacturing 'modular toilets' not construct toilets, which can be erected in any place.

We in custom parts online always strive to look into the end user's need and make products, than make any product and find hard to sell.

We are working on making the whole set of things, below and above the earth level, the upper super structure as well as the leach or soak pits also ready made.

One has to dig out the earth and then fit this toilet and the whole operation may be completed in a matter of few hours!!!


We have grown and have got a new name!

Focusing on two major problems which plaque the society, we have decided two work hard on these two thrust areas, WATER & SANITATION, naming our newly formed private limited entity as

MR. P.N. SUBRAMANIAN an eminent I.T professional, heritage enthusiast and a social entrepreneur with globe trotting experience has joined as one of the Directors, to drive our major products, the low cost water filter and the toilets to global spread.

 Custom Parts Online are makers of Innovative products which radically change the common man's life.

Our mission: Make Science reach villages!

Our vision: Affordable Water and sanitation for all.

About us

J. Chandrasekaran, the CEO and the founder of Custom Parts Online ( is a topper from CIPET, Chennai from the 1989 batch. He was always in pursuit of new products, innovations and product development.

He was one of the pioneers in introducing Polycarbonate products like roof lights, sky lighting, bus shelters, in building industry, electrical HT hoods in Insulation and Switchgear Industry, covers in telecommunication industry.

He was instrumental in B2B success of a leading e-commerce company based in USA, to promote e-designing and manufacturing, making it the number one e-portal for custom manufacturing within a span of 5 years. Having traveled far and wide, he has great acumen in accessing the 5 Ms - Machine, Materials, Man power, Money and Manufacturing.

He started this current venture Custom Parts Online to encourage innovators who dream a product, but wanted help in selecting the right material and process for the product. The first order of Custom Parts Online, BPA free, disposable feeding bottle made him get the prestigious National award for Innovation in Health Care from the ministry of Petrochemicals & Fertilizers for the year 2012.

Custom Parts Online is manufacturing the world’s most economical Water filters based on Terafil technology under the license from CSIR (IMMT) with the support of DST and CIPET. (

As an innovative team Custom Parts Online is developing few more interesting products like a plug-in nose filter, a more convenient Spill Sink - cleaning bin for hospitals.

TiE con-2012-Introducing the company