Toilets for all

Modular toilets ready to instal wherever you want!!

Modular toilets- Made of green energy-sunlight and 3M- men, moulds and materials!

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Toilets in News...

 Updated as on December 2015

How a Management School Students pitched in to crowd fund and donate a toilet. See this news!

We come to know World Bank pledges support ot Water and Sanitation funding in India in this article

Article in LinkedIn on why Swach Bharat will not happen as it is planned by the Founder of Watsan Envirotech Pvt Ltd

Corporates not keeping up promise of Swach Bharat a report in THE HINDU dated 1st June 2015

A good article on why CSR efforts on sanitation fails in CSR newsletter

Times of India says that private schools also lack good toilets!

See this article

Sulabh founder honoured in Chennai with Mother Teresa Award. See the article

Link between Schools and Toilets an analysis

What happens in Sikkim and why not in other states? Check it out...

THE HINDU article showing Micro finance available for toilet building

THE HINDU article showing link between stunted growth of school children and toilets in school!

and the response from readers are here:

THE HINDU dated 3rd August 2014 exposes that the state Tamilnadu lags behind the target number of toilets to be built. See this article

Mint Magazine has come up with series of articles on toilets and their importance.

Here are they

 Article 1

 Article 2

 Article 3 - insisting separate toilets for women

Badaun rape - a shame! -Reason? The girls tried to go out in the dark for defecation!

Article highlighting the plight of poor girls trying to relive themselves in the dark, get abused and raped!

Lack of toilets a threat to women's safety - says major news paper article - singling out no toilets, as the main reason for the above act of shame!

Now Sulabh International comes forward to build toilets in Badaun village, U.P

Honourable P.M Narendra Modi's first priority is sanitation! The good news can be read here.

This article claims that Sikkim is the first state to achieve in India to be declared as zero-open defecation state! We should congratulate the Sikkim stake holders and the citizens to make this happen:

November 2013


The Hindu report carries an alarming and stark picture of India in today's news. What else but open defecation!!! :(

Times of India also carried a main article today. See today's paper. 19th Nov 2013

Oct 2013: Outlook Magazine carries the COVER STORY about the biggest threat the Country is facing: Sanitation (or lack of it???)


See these articles covered:





Where manual scavenging is still a BIG Problem

Another story from Mint Magazine from Wall street journal on the pen defecation problem

Mint Magazine brought this story on how growth is stunted due to open defecation!

See the story here

Udhagamandalam in Tamilnadu takes a lead!

See this article in THE HINDU dated July 6th 2013

Weird ways of deciding a toilet to be or not to be! In Namakkal!  An article in THE HINDU dated 6th May 2013

Sowmya Sethuraman has written a very composed article in the HINDU dated 26-4-2013 on the efforts taken by Tamil Nadu Government, but we need to see how the public respond to such initiative.

Swaminathan Anklesaria Aiyar the economic adviser, writes that Urban slums are better off than the rural villages and takes a dig about the sanitation issue in these places in Times of India March 31st editorial pages

This author in the science and technology article appraises us about the new policy the Government has announced and asks if there are solutions to solve the open defecation problem! Here is the article!!!

Dear Mr. Balasubramaniam, here we are offering solutions to make one toilet a day with just 3 people, with no electricity needed! Are the policy makers reading this?

The editorial page today carries an important article on how open defecation spoils the child's growth in this thought provoking article

THE HINDU mentions the toilets built in Tambaram Municipality : City gets the first set of modular toilets

THE HINDU carries a news on the editorial pages compelling the think tanks to work on faster solutions for making toilets.

Response from manufacturers of toilets for Chennai corporation's toilet is poor.

Read this news from Times of India, Chennai edition.

There are some basic flaw in the technical specifications:

1. HDPE and Polycarbonate both are materials with total extreme characteristics. One is a low cost commodity plastic, low temperature resistance and environmental stress cracking resistance, where as the other material is too stiff, high temperature resistant, but of exorbitant cost, not making it viable for making toilets.

2. Both the designs do not allow hot air to vent out. The green house effect during summer would really cook a goose out of the person shitting inside ;)

3. The current bidders are selling square water tanks which they can make from their roto-moulding machines and have not given a serious thought on designing the right toilet.

And there are some serious flaws on the thought process of the think tank who placed this order from Chennai corporation:

1. Why should any business man invest on 2000 toilets on his won, also pay an EMD and maintain for 20 years?

2. What revenue would this generate for the successful bidder? The corporation maintains an answer that revenues come from advertising on the body of the toilet. HDPE is known for not holding any print or sticker well on them, and may be a poor substrate for advertisements to last long! Wonder who would spend on such a poor platform to advertise their wares!

3. Why on earth should a tender be floated for manufacturing, installation and maintenance? Is it not the Government's duty to provide this, a basic amenity, for their citizens?

 Japanese toilet maker uses blue tooth to make the toilet ultramodern!

See this news in Times of India Chennai edition!

Do away with manual scavenging!
Articles in the HINDU one, two , three and four

When will these menace stop!

Toilets a must for women folk
Women sanitation and toilets

Sanitary napkins by village women

Read this article

October 2012:

Jairam Ramesh again signs in a big way to launch toilet for all. See this article in THE HINDU dated 6th October 2012

Jairam Ramesh again adds ghee to the pyre by over reacting while expressing the need for toilets. See this article!

Village heads loose posts as they did not have toilets in Yavatmal, Maharashtra!!!

Other news:

India looses Huge money due to less sanitation says this HINDUSTAN TIMES report

Microsoft founder Bill Gates says his Ultimate DREAM is to make toilets!

See this article from the HINDU!

And what more Minister for rural development and sanitation from Central Government, GOI, Mr. Jairam Ramesh claims more funds for toilets.

See this article from THE HINDU appeared in the subsequent week!

And the menace is not only in villages but also in BIG cities like Mumbai too!

See this article again in THE HINDU

Another interesting analysis of the Science behind the Total Sanitation Campaign has been well written by Mr D Bala in THE HINDU dated 21st June 2012. Here it is

DRDO claims it has solution for a BIO-TOILET in this article

Tamilnadu Government has ambitious plans. Read this article!

Chennai Corporation is modernizing its toilets! See the inauguration details in this news link

See this article in the HINDUand this article in Times of India dated 5th July 2012

Jairam Ramesh claims there is some Hera-Pheri in building toilets!

Bill Gates announces awards for his dream toilet projects. See here

Those few who spearhead the campaign of sanitation for all are


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